Saturday, January 22, 2011

kenali musuh DUNIA part 3

simbol agama judais

like other religous, they’ve their own symbol. its easy to find out because their symbol can be seen all over the world.

the main symbol of judais religous
menorah kuil

this is the main symbol for this religous. it is a candle-placed actually.i7 to 10 candles can be inserted into that item. i dunno how to describe actually :P its been called menorah in Hebrew language. there’s two types of menorah which are Menorah Kuil and Menorah Hanukkah. Menorah Kuil is the original one and its have been use for almost 3000 years before masihi. seven candles can be used on it. menorah kuil is used in every ritual they do. in other hand, menorah hanukkah is only when they celebrate Hanukkah Day. there’s 8 tiang for it to show 8 days they celebrate hanukkah day.

menorah hanukkah

Synagogue ( kuil yahudi)
Synagogue is the name for rumah ibadat for kaum yahudi. function sama dengan others rumah ibadat. its also been used to do some ritual during their special day. Synagogue can been seen everywhere. satu dunia ada wa cakap lu! even in Malaysia pon ada.! bentuk dan rupa different according to bangsa dan budaya.

synogogue at lesko town, ukrain

inside synogogue

menorah as a symbol for Israel
menorah yang been used dalam agama Judais also been used as a national symbol or emblem. this symbol diguna pakai as a cop-cop mohor kerajaan israel when they do any official works. symbol dua lingkaran ranting zaiton digunakan as pelengkap identity judais. emblem ini direka oleh Gabriel and Maxim Shamir. they won the competition for drawing embel for israel in 1948. emblem also can been see at their pasport.
emblem israel

mereka adalah pengasas untuk symbol ini. both of them are pemilik syarikat rekaan graphic called Shamir Brother Studio yang ditubuhkan pada 1934 at Latvia.

maxim and shamir
kenali symbol dan jauhkan diri :)

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